I (name) do declare and promise that I will keep inviolate all the secrets of the Ancient Order of Hibernians from all but those I know to be members in good standing, except the Roman Catholic Clergy, and that I will support the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization to the best of my ability.
"That I will be true and steadfast to the brethren of this organization, dedicated to St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, and that I will duly conform myself to the dictates of my legally elected officers in all things constitutional and lawful.
"That I will not provoke or quarrel with any of my brethren. If a brother should be defamed, or treated unjustly, I will espouse his cause, give him the earliest possible advise and aid him when in distress.
"I also promise that I will not propose, nor assist in admitting, any person of a bad or suspicious character; and that I will at all times be zealous for the interests of this organization, and will not knowingly wrong a brother.
"That I will not countenance by my presence, nor support, any performance that may reasonably be interpreted as caricaturing or debasing the Irish people, or the Catholic Faith, whether in public or in private, in song, recitation or story, on the stage or on the screen.
"That I will ever be true to the Constitution of my country and will combat any and all attempts that would tend to destroy its spirit.
"All this I pledge my sacred word and honor to do and perform."